If you would like to make a donation, you can use the button below or a direct bank transfer with the account details listed.
Thank you.

Please consider a rolling, monthly donation to support our ongoing work.

If you can we prefer a donation direct to our bank account, as then we avoid the fees of the payment platform and all your donation comes directly to support our work. Here are the details.

Account Name: Rite to Freedom
Account Number: 65391097
Sort Code: 089299
Bank: The Co-operative Bank
IBAN: GB33 CPBK 0892 9965 3910 97

From the beginning of our work as a charity, Rite to Freedom has been extremely blessed with support from volunteers, trustees, staff and benefactors. The right people have always appeared at the right time. From offers of office space, donations for project delivery to long term core funding, the generosity of our supporters and believers in our work has been amazing. This support remains a beacon to us to keep going with what we strive to do and be in the world.

We are in need of financial support for our ongoing projects and the core costs for the day to day running of the charity.